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In advertising, transcreation is the translation of an advertising text into another language, taking into account changed cultural conditions and contexts.

The term represents a synthesis of the words translation and creation . The source text is adapted in the other language to the specific needs of a certain geographic target market, a target group, a market segment or a customer group. In particular, different cultural and linguistic customs are also taken into account in the respective cultural areas at which a transcreation is aimed. Such an advertising translation is also known as an adaptation . In the Anglo-Saxon language area, the term transcreation has long been used for this . For some time, the term transcreation has been established in the translation industry in German-speaking countries . A decidedly promotional translation entails not only the translational qualifying special skills as a copywriter in advertising agencies and communication agencies, known as copywriters , distinguished, as well as intercultural competence . A transcreation is therefore not a pure word-for-word translation, but refers to the customary briefing , in English creative brief, which is the basis of every advertising text .