Grape sweetness

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As grapes sweetness or grape fruit sweetness refers to an from grapes obtained thick syrup , consisting essentially of water, fructose and glucose is. It is used to sweeten foods such as yogurt or lemonade.

Sweet grape sounds healthier than sugar to some consumers. Since the dextrose contains fructose and dextrose, a beverage manufacturer was forbidden to advertise with the statement “without granulated sugar”. In the same context, the test magazine from Stiftung Warentest wrote : "Chemically, the sweetness in the concentrated grape juice does not differ significantly from granulated sugar."

Individual evidence

  1. advertising statement is misleading , March 13, 2013, accessed on July 30, 2015.
  2. Advertising + Truth: Fruchtzwerge mit Traubenensweeten , May 26, 2005, accessed on July 30, 2015.