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The word traversing (verb: French traverser , English to traverse ), which comes from the Latin language, is used variously in the sense of ' to walk through something', 'to cross'.

Graph theory

In graph theory, traversal is the name for methods that determine a route in which every node and every edge of a tree-shaped graph is visited exactly once. The two best-known methods are breadth-first search and depth-first search . There are special traverses known as linearization for binary trees .

measuring technology

A traversal designates a positioning system for sensors etc. It is used e.g. B. in Particle Image Velocimetry to measure flow processes. The traversal has the task of moving the camera or the laser light section into the correct position in space. Mostly 2-axis traverses are used, i.e. In other words, a position can be selected vertically and horizontally and approached very precisely.


There are links for hypertexts . There is always a starting point and a destination point. If a link is activated, it is automatically traversed to the target point.


In various sporting activities, "traverse" means "to cross a surface at an angle":