Treno Alta Velocità

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High-speed routes in Italy 2012

Treno Alta Velocità SpA (or TAV ) is a special purpose vehicle for the design and construction of a high-speed transport network in Italy.


The purpose of Treno Alta Velocità is to build high-speed corridors for rail traffic where conventional lines can no longer provide additional capacity. The primary focus was on two corridors: a north-south connection from Milan to Salernoand an east-west connection in northern Italy from Turin to Trieste. The company's goals consist of adapting the Italian railway network to European railway standards, expanding high-speed connections through the country and the associated shortening of travel times between the largest cities in Italy, greatly increasing route capacities and train frequency, and improving safety through renewal of the guidance and control systems Security technology. The high-speed lines are mainly used for passenger transport during the day (AV - Alta Velocità, high speed) and at night for freight (AC - Alta Capacità, high capacity). Another goal is to relieve the existing, conventional routes on which regional and local traffic can then be expanded.


As part of the construction of the Mont Cenis Base Tunnel , there were major disputes in the Italian government ( Conte cabinet ). Matteo Salvini , interior minister and party leader of the Lega Nord , called for early elections on August 8, 2019. Senators of the Movimento 5 Stelle party in the Senate had previously voted against the project. Salvini had also threatened early elections weeks earlier on other occasions.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Oliver Meiler: Italy's government threatens to break up because of a train route ,, March 9, 2019
  2. August 9, 2019: Salvini plunges Italy into crisis - Prime Minister demands an explanation
  3. Salvini plunges the government into crisis (August 8, 2019)
  4. Salvini is threatening early elections again (July 18, 2019)