Tribunal Permanente de Revisión del Mercosur

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Seat of the Tribunal Permanente de Revisión del Mercosur in Asunción

The Tribunal Permanente de Revisión del Mercosur is the Mercosur appeal court . Mercosur is a South American domestic market that currently includes the member states Argentina , Brazil , Paraguay and Uruguay . An accession agreement with Venezuela was signed in Caracas on July 4, 2006, but ratification by the parliaments of Brazil and Paraguay is still pending (status: 03/2008).

The Mercosur Court of Appeal is now the third permanent organ of Mercosur and has only existed since 2004. It was introduced by the so-called Protocol of Olivos . In the first instance, ad hoc arbitration tribunals will make arbitration awards, but it is also possible to skip the first instance and involve the permanent court straight away. It is also dedicated to the task of systematizing and standardizing Mercosur law. The tribunal consists of five members, with each member state appointing a judge for a period of two years and the fifth judge being elected unanimously by all member states for three years. The court is based in Asunción , Paraguay.

The court emerged as part of the formulation of the dispute settlement mechanisms in the Olivos Protocol. One of the reasons for the introduction of this tribunal was the need to guarantee a correct interpretation and application of Mercosur law. According to the preamble of the protocol, compliance with the fundamental instruments in the integration process should be guaranteed in a consistent and systematic manner.

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