
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Flavius ​​Appalius Illus Trocundes († 485) was an Eastern Roman general of Isaurian origin who played an important role in the reign of Emperors Zenon and Basiliscus .

Trocundes supported, together with his brother Illus, the revolt of Basiliscus against Zeno, but then switched sides to enable Zeno to return from exile (475-476). Appointed magister militum praesentalis and patricius by Zenon in 479 as the successor to Theodoric Strabo , Trocundes was instrumental in the suppression of the usurper Marcianus and his imprisonment in Isauria. In 482 he held the consulate . When Illus rose against Zenon in 484 and proclaimed Leontius to be the counter-emperor, Trocundes also joined the uprising. In an attempt to relieve the rebels trapped in the Isaurian mountain fortress Papyrios , he was captured and killed by Johannes Scytha .

