Truncus trachealis

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Lymph vessels of the human. red Truncus trachealis , green: Ductus lymphaticus dexter

The Truncus trachealis ( tracheal trunk , syn. Truncus jugularis ) is a short lymphatic trunk of the neck. It runs from the lymph nodes of the head on both sides of the windpipe ( trachea ) towards the chest. In most mammals, the right truncus trachealis still receives the axillary lymph vessels at the entrance to the breast and is then referred to as the dexter lymphatic duct . The cervical lymph collecting trunks open into the thoracic duct or independently into the vein angle .

In horses , the posterior deep cervical lymph nodes ( Lnn. Cervicales profundi caudales ) are integrated into the course of the trunci tracheales. In pigs , the majority of the head lymph is not drained through the truncus trachealis, but rather through two other lymph channels to the superficial cervical lymph nodes.


  • Uwe Gille: Cardiovascular and immune system, Angiologia. In: Franz-Viktor Salomon, Hans Geyer, Uwe Gille (Ed.): Anatomy for veterinary medicine. Enke, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8304-1007-7 , pp. 404-563.