Tudḫaliya (mountain)

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Tudḫaliya was a mountain in central Anatolia , the exact location of which is unknown. He was divinely worshiped and is listed in a list of sacrifices for mountain gods by the Hittite great king Tudḫaliya IV . Like other bearers of this name, this king is named after the mountain. His hieroglyph on royal seals and other objects was then also a mountain god or, more simply, a mountain, connected with the symbol tu .

During the purulliya festival , several mountains were invoked in a ritual to strengthen the king:

“Stand a big star! Let the mountains be in their place! Mount Pentaya, be in your place! You shouldn't lift the big (mountain)! Mount arka ( Argaios ), be in your place; Mount Tutḫaliya, be in your place! ... "

In another ritual to strengthen the Hittite royal couple, the mountains Puškurunuwa, Šarišša, Tudḫaliya and Arnuwanda are asked to rise and hurry back to their comrades. The mountain Arnuwanda was also namesake for several Hittite kings.

The mountain name Tudḫaliya cannot be interpreted and belongs to the Anatolian substratum. The oldest known man named after the mountain is Tudḫaliya , the "chief of the cupbearers" of King Zuzzu of Kaniš , for other namesake see Tudḫaliya .

Individual evidence

  1. Volkert Haas: History of the Hittite religion . BTE 1.15, 1994, p. 726.
