Tunisian Arabic

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Distribution area of ​​Tunisian Arabic

Tunisian Arabic is a West Arabic dialect and is spoken by around 13 million native speakers.

It is used in Tunisia as well as in north-east Algeria and the western part of Tripolitania with different accents. Since many Tunisians live abroad, it is spoken in families in Western European countries such as France .

Like Algerian , Moroccan and Maltese, Tunisian Arabic is one of the Maghrebian dialects and is heavily influenced by the Berber languages and French .

Web links

Wiktionary: Tunisian-Arabic  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Tilmatine Mohand: substrate convergences et Le berbère et l'arabe north-africain in Estudios de Dialectologia norteafricana y andalusi 4 , 1999, pp 99-119.