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Spoken in

speaker 20,400,000 (as of 1996)
Language codes
ISO 639-3


Distribution area of ​​Algerian Arabic

Algerian Arabic (Algerian- Arabic الدزيرية, DMG ad-Dzīriyya ; high arabic اللهجة الجزائرية, DMG al-Lahǧa al-Ǧazāʾiriyya ) is an Arabic dialect spoken in Algeria and in small areas of Tunisia and Morocco. He belongs to the group of Maghrebian dialects of Arabic .

The Algerian dialect consists of a largely Arabic vocabulary with some influences from Berber .

Standard Arabic is used in educational institutions, offices, the media and other official matters. Algerian Arabic is the colloquial language of the majority of the Algerian population.

In contrast to classical Arabic, Algerians also use the adopted letters "G" (ڨ), "P" (پ) and V" (ڥ or. ڤ).


Algerian Arabic is mostly similar to Moroccan Arabic , in the eastern part to Tunisian Arabic .

Example sentence

Standard Arabic :أريد أن أذهب إلى المدرسة غدا., DMG urīdu an aḏhaba ilā l-madrasati ġadan

Algerian-Arabic: بغيت نمشي لمدرسة غدا., DMG bġīt nemši li madrasa ġda

in German: "I want to go to school tomorrow."

Web links

Wiktionary: Algerian-Arabic  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations