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The Tupi-Kawahib are an indigenous people in the Amazon region . The 200 to 300 members of the people still live between Madeirinha and Roosevelt in the Indian territory of Piripkura in northern Mato Grosso . They belong to the isolated peoples , access to them is blocked. The first reports about them come from Cândido Rondon . Later Curt Unckel (who was called Nimuendajú by the natives ) examined the tribe. The ethnologist Claude Lévi-Strauss , who visited them in the 1930s, devotes a longer section of his book Sad Tropics to them .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Terra Indígena Piripkura . Retrieved December 28, 2015 (Portuguese).
  2. Web presence "uncontacted people" ( memento from September 25, 2006 in the Internet Archive ), accessed January 29, 2016.