Turpilius (poet)

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Turpilius (from 1505 also called Sextus Turpilius ; † 104/103 BC) was a Roman comedy poet . Only his gentile name Turpilius is known, prae- and cognomen are not passed down. It is unclear why he was ascribed the praenomen sextus , first documented in 1505 by Petrus Crinitus in his work De poetis latinis libri V.

Turpilius wrote comedies in the genre of the palliata , his main source being Menander . In contrast to his older contemporary, Terence , Turpilius, like Plautus, preferred metrical diversity and linguistic colors. Because of the grace and grace of his comedies, Turpilius was also called Novella Sirena with the honorary title .

Only fragments of 13 pieces have survived. Most of these fragments were handed down by the grammarian Nonius , others can be found in Cicero , Diomedes , Hieronymus , Isidore and Priscian .

The titles are all Greek: Boethuntes , Canephoros , Demetrius , Demiurgus , Epicleros , Hetaera , Lemniae (also Lemnii ), Leucadia , Lindia , Paedium , Paraterusa , Philopator , Thrasyleon . The titles Acta and Veliterna (?) Are no longer listed in the newer releases.

Text output

  • Ludwika Rychlewska (Ed.): Turpilii Comici Fragmenta . Wrocław / Breslau 1962.


Web links


  1. ^ Cavedoni in: Bull. Arch. nap. (1857) 105f.