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The Turukum (Turukkäer) are a Bronze Age tribe who lived in the northern Zāgros Mountains , east of the Ranya plain . They are known from the archives of Mari and Tell Shemshara . Through the Guti the Turukum were driven to the west at the time of Šamši-Adad I. The Turukkans were a constant threat to the security of the Assyrian Empire during the reign of Šamši-Adad I and his son and successor Išme-Dagan .


  • Jörgen Laessøe, The Shemshāra Tablets (Copenhagen 1959).
  • Jörgen Laessøe, The Quest for the Country of * Utûm. Journal of the American Oriental Society 88/1, 1968, 120-122.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernest Herzfeld: German Archaeological Institute. Tehran Department, Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Volume 19, Dietrich Reimer, p.90-93: The tribes kno به wn under the name Su, Turukkaean and Lullubaean were differently named inhabitants of the Aratta country and probably belonged to the Altaic-Turkish language community . [...]. According to the coincidence of territory, the Turukkaean, Su and Lullubaean language was related to the langeage of the Aratta population which was probably of Altaic-Turkic ethnolinguistic origin