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description Brochure series and teaching material from the State Agency for Media North Rhine-Westphalia
Area of ​​Expertise Media literacy
language German
First edition 2011
Frequency of publication quarterly (print)
Editor-in-chief Peter Widlok (LfM, Communication Department); Mechthild Appelhof (LfM, area media competence); Holger Girbig (LfM, Supervision and Programs)
editor State Agency for Media North Rhine-Westphalia (LfM)
Web link tv.profiler

tv.profiler is a series of brochures by the State Agency for Media North Rhine-Westphalia (LfM). Each issue of tv.profiler is a teaching unit for one school lesson . The aim of the series is to show the problems of television formats from a media pedagogical point of view and to promote media competence among young people.


The tv.profiler series has been available as a print version and as a downloadable pdf on the website of the Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen (LfM) since September 2011 . It appears once a year and deals with different TV formats.

In the editions published so far, the television formats Germany's Next Top Model , Scripted Reality and music casting shows were covered.

Published so far

  1. tv.profiler - A lesson on Germany's next top model (September 2011)
  2. tv.profiler - Scripted Reality (August 2012)
  3. tv.profiler - Music casting shows (April 2012)

editorial staff

  • Publisher: State Agency for Media NRW (LfM)
  • Editor-in-chief ViSdP: Peter Widlok (LfM, communications department); Mechthild Appelhof (LfM, area media competence); Holger Girbig (LfM, Supervision and Programs)
  • Editor: Maike Isenberg
  • Art direction: Fritjof Wild

Web links