Tynwald Day

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Tynwald Hill on Tynwald Day

Tynwald Day is the Isle of Man's national festival day .


It is usually celebrated on July 5th of each year, unless it falls on a weekend. Then Tynwald Day takes place on the following Monday. The Gregorian calendar shifted the original Midsummer's Day on June 24th by 11 days. On this day the Tynwald legislature meets in St. John's Chapel (chapel of St. John the Baptist, which dates from the year of the Lord 1417) and not as usual in the island's capital Douglas . This is called the Midsummer Court .


The day goes back over 1000 years of tradition. Both chambers of the Tynwald, the House of Keys and the Legislative Council participate. The Isle of Man Lieutenant Governor , Representative of the Lord of Mann, presides over the ceremony, except when the Lord himself or a member of the British Royal Family is present.

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