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Tyssedal is a place in the western Norwegian municipality of Ullensvang in Vestland with 601 inhabitants (as of January 2019). It lies between fjords and mountains on the edge of the Hardangervidda .

Until the 1980s, the largest employer here was an aluminum smelter. This was preceded by the construction of the Tysso I hydropower plant in the period 1906–1918 including the funicular (1911). The architect was Thorvald Astrup (1876–1940). The large number of guest workers, one third from western Norway, one third from eastern Norway and the rest from other parts of the country, resulted in the development of a new dialect, which the researcher Paul Kerswill dealt intensively with.

Today the Via Ferrata invites you to exercise.

Web links

Commons : Tyssedal  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Statistisk sentralbyrå: Tettsteder. Folkemengde og areal, etter commune. January 1, 2019. Retrieved August 8, 2020 (Norwegian)
  2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/verhelstaal/3086458730/

Coordinates: 60 ° 7 '  N , 6 ° 34'  E