Unité Centrale de Police à l'Aéroport

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The Unité de la Police de l'Aéroport , abbreviated UPA (German: Airport Police), is a police unit of the "Police Administrative" area of ​​the Police Grand-Ducale , the state police in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg . In addition to illegal immigration and border control , the UPA's areas of responsibility at Luxembourg Airport include airport security and the aviation police . The UPA's workforce currently consists of 75 police officers (as of January 2020). On August 1, 2018, the unit changed its name from "Unité Centrale de Police à l'Aéroprot" to "Unité Centrale de Police à l'Aéroport" as part of the police reform.


The "Unité de la Police de l'Aéroport" (UPA) consists of a directorate, a secretariat and two departments. The two departments are the “Service de Contrôle à l'Aéroport” (SCA) and the “Service de Garde à l'Aéroport” (SGA).

Main tasks of the UPA

In the general police area

  • Granting a permanent police presence at Luxembourg Airport ,
  • Coordination of the tasks of the police and customs administration at the airport,
  • Maintaining and maintaining contacts with foreign airport police and border control authorities,
  • Representation of the Grand Ducal Police in national and international committees and assemblies in the field of airport security and border control.

In the area of ​​airport security (Grand Duke Regulations of February 24, 2016)

  • Issuance of access and residence permits for the airport area,
  • Granting of access permits for airport visitors and the press .

In the aviation police area

  • Conducting investigations into incidents and accidents that have occurred in the airport area,
  • Participation in investigations concerning air carriers certified in Luxembourg , regardless of the geographical location of the accident site.

Special missions of the SCA

In the area of ​​the Aliens Police (SCA-SCF)

In the area of ​​preparing expert reports (SCA-SED)

  • Preparation of expert opinions on travel documents at the request of the "Section Contrôle Frontalier", other police stations and judicial authorities,
  • Education and training of the staff of the "SCA" and other members of the Grand Ducal Police in the field of official documents,
  • Creation of statistics, risk analyzes and information sheets in the area of border control and false documents,
  • National and international contact point of the Grand Ducal Police in the area of ​​"official documents".

Special missions of the SGA

In the security and protection area

  • Ensuring protection and security in the airport area,
  • Ensuring unexceptional police readiness in the airport area,
  • Setting up and running security services during official visits.

In the area of ​​access control (Grand Duke Regulations of February 24, 2016)

  • Implementation of access controls in the area of ​​the airport,
  • Control and monitoring of the security staff at lux-Airport SA, who carry out access controls on behalf of the Grand Ducal Police in the airport area,
  • Carrying out reviews of the past life of applicants for access and residence permits for the airport area.

In the area of ​​security searches (Grand Duke regulations of February 24, 2016)

  • Carrying out security checks and searches in the airport area,
  • Control and monitoring of the security staff at lux-Airport SA, who carry out security checks and searches on behalf of the Grand Ducal police in the airport area.

In the area of ​​“local police” resp. Proximity Police

  • Ensuring a visible presence in the proximity counter in the public area of ​​the departure hall.

Previous directors

  • 2000–2001: Jacques Klein
  • 2001-2005: Jeff Schlentz
  • 2006–2018: Thierry Fehr
  • 2018 to today: Christian Steichen

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Loi du 18 June 2018 on the Police grand-ducaleet portant modification: 1 ° du Code de procédure pénale; 2 ° de la loi modifiée du 9 December 2005 déterminant les conditions et modalités de nomination de certains fonctionnaires occupant des fonctions dirigeantes dans les administrations et services de l'Etat; 3 ° de la loi du 10 December 2009 relative à l'hospitalisation sans leur consentement de personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux; 4 ° de la loi modifiée du 25 mars 2015 fixant le régime des traitements et les conditions et modalités d'avancement des fonctionnaires de l'Etat; 5 ° de la loi du 18 December 2015 relative à l 'accueil des demandeurs de protection internationale et de protection temporaire, et modifiant la loi modifiée du 10 août 1991 sur la profession d'avocat; et portant abrogation: 1 ° de la loi du 29 may 1992 relative au Service de Police Judiciaire et modifiant 1 la loi modified du 23 juillet 1952 concernant l'organization militaire; 2. le code d'instruction criminelle; 3. the loi du 16 avril 1979 ayant pour objet la discipline dans la Force publique; 2 ° de la loi modifiée du 31 mai 1999 sur la Police et l'Inspection générale de la Police. - Legilux. Retrieved February 2, 2020 .
  2. The police organization chart: the die is cast. March 16, 2017, accessed February 2, 2020 .