Unité Centrale de Police de la Route

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The Unité de la Police de la Route (UPR) is one of 6 national units of the Police Lëtzebuerg , the state police force in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg . She is responsible for operations on the Luxembourg motorway network , motorized escorts , the implementation of traffic controls , the management of the automatic traffic monitoring department and traffic education . The workforce is 70 civil servants . (As of December 2016)


The UCR consists of a directorate and three departments. The departments include the Service Intervention Autoroutier (SIA), the Service Escortes et Contrôles (SEC) and the Service Contrôle et Sanction Automatisés (CSA).


The SIA (Motorway Police ) department is responsible for monitoring the flow of traffic on the entire motorway network. It ensures emergency service on the entire motorway network and creates logs of traffic accidents on motorways.

The SEC (Motorized Escorts) department is responsible for escorts in honor of the ruling house as well as escorts on state visits and other official visits. It accompanies international cycling races (such as the Tour de France ), national cycling events (such as the Tour of Luxembourg or the Flèche du Sud ) and special transports. The department carries out traffic controls on Luxembourg motorways. It carries out controls in the areas of transit traffic , load securing , driving times and the transport of dangerous goods . It supports the regional traffic police (Service Régional de Police de la Route, SRPR) in monitoring traffic on the national road network and, if necessary, reinforces the regional police units.

The CSA (automatic traffic monitoring) department is responsible for processing the offenses detected by the automatic radar devices.

The UPR is responsible for the training of all members of the Police Grand-Ducale in the field of traffic. She takes part in campaigns for traffic education and accident prevention in schools.

Previous directors

  • 2000–2001: Jacques Klein
  • 2001-2005: Patrick Even
  • 2006–2018: Thierry Fehr
  • from 2018: Laurent Lentz

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