US-Iranian friendship treaty

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Original text of the friendship treaty between the USA and Iran.

The US-Iranian Friendship Treaty is an international treaty that was signed on August 15, 1955 by representatives of the US and Iranian governments in Tehran. The treaty was supposed to regulate the basis of relations between the US and Iran . The focus of the contract is on economic relations and the establishment of consulates in Iran.


The contract is divided into 23 articles. It replaces the provisional contracts concluded in 1928 on economic and other relationships as well as on personal status and the application of the Iranian family law. In the treaty, the United States and Iran commit to lasting peace and honest friendly relations.

In the following articles the legal basis of the economic relations between the two countries as well as the regulations for the consular staff are specified. Of particular importance is Article XXI, which stipulates that in the event of differences in the interpretation of the treaty, the contracting parties may refer to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.


Based on the friendship treaty, Iran brought an action against the USA at the International Court of Justice in July 2018 (ICJ, case 175/2018). The Iranian government requested the issuance of an interim order against the termination of the 2015 nuclear deal and the re-imposition of economic sanctions by the Trump administration . At the hearing in August 2018, Iran took the view that the United States had violated international law. On October 3, 2018, the ICJ issued the coveted interim injunction against the USA while the main proceedings are still pending.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jakob Reimann: US sanctions - Iran sued Trump administration in The Hague. In: Friday. July 18, 2018, accessed October 31, 2018 .
  2. AFP: Iran sues the USA . In: . August 27, 2018, ISSN  0174-4917 ( [accessed October 31, 2018]).
  3. International Court of Justice: United States must partially lift sanctions against Iran . In: FAZ.NET . October 3, 2018, ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed October 31, 2018]).