Ubi pus, ibi evacua

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Ubi pus, ibi evacua is a Latin aphorism or saying that is often quoted in medicine. It means that wherever there is pus , itshould be drained . This refers to the fact that doctors should create a drain for the pus in case it builds up in the body.

An example of this is the treatment of chronic recurrent otitis media in children by an ear, nose and throat doctor : The doctor inserts a tube into the eardrum to drain the pus. Antibiotics often have difficulty getting into an abscess and often inadequate due to a low pH value . The discharge through a drainage channel, on the other hand, removes a large amount of bacteria and thus helps to heal the infection .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Medicine: Ubi pus ibi evacua - iodoform, pus. Retrieved April 28, 2020 .