Uemura (clan)

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Coat of arms of the Uemura (inscribed balloon flower of the Uemura)
Uemura residence in Edo

The Uemura ( Japanese 植 村 氏 , Uemura-shi ) were a family of the Japanese sword nobility ( Buke ), which was derived from Minamoto no Masazane. With an income of 25,000 Koku , the Uemura residing in Takatori ( Nara Prefecture ) belonged to the smaller Fudai daimyo of the Edo period .

The family comes from the Toki clan from the province of Mino and was later resident in the village of Uemura in the province of Tōtōmi .


  • Iemasa ( 家政 ; 1589-1650) was the first of the family to rise to daimyo. He and his descendants resided in Takatori ( Yamato ) with an income of 25,000 koku. The last daimyo was
  • Iemori ( 家 保 ; 1837-1896) with the title Dewa no kami . After 1868 Vice Count .


  1. The Castle Takatori belongs with the castles Matsuyama and Iwamura to the "three great mountain castles of Japan."

Individual evidence

  1. Excerpt from the "Kiriezu" district map from around 1850.
  2. 植 村 氏 . In: 世界 大 百科 事 典 第 2 版 at kotobank.jp. Retrieved June 25, 2015 (Japanese).


  • Edmond Papinot: Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan. Reprint of the 1910 edition. Tuttle, 1972, ISBN 0-8048-0996-8 .
  • Hasiba, Akira: Takatori-jo in: Miura, Masayuki (ed.): Shiro to jinya. Saikoku-hen. Gakken, 2006. ISBN 978-4-05-604379-2 .

Web links

Uemura in the "Reichsarchiv"