Bank pigeon

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Bank pigeon
Yellow-eyed Pigeon.jpg

Bank pigeon ( Columba eversmanni )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Pigeon birds (Columbiformes)
Family : Pigeons (Columbidae)
Genre : Field pigeons ( Columba )
Type : Bank pigeon
Scientific name
Columba eversmanni
Bonaparte , 1856

The bank pigeon ( Columba eversmanni ), also called yellow-eyed pigeon or eastern stock dove , is a type of field pigeon . It occurs in Asia.


The bank pigeon reaches a body length of 26.5 centimeters. It is very similar in appearance and behavior to the stock dove . However, her physique is more petite and she is slightly smaller than this species.

Unlike the stock pigeon, the front neck and chest are also mauve. The rear back and the upper half of the rump are light gray. The lower rump and the upper tail-coverts are dark gray. The beak is dark gray to brownish at the base and brightens to a yellow-green towards the tip. The iris is yellow. The outer skin of the eye is also cream-colored to pale yellow.

distribution and habitat

The bank pigeon occurs in Turkestan from the Aral Sea to the north of Afghanistan. In an easterly direction their distribution area extends to the Saissansee . As a winter guest, it also occurs in northern India and Pakistan. A small part of the population winters in Turkmenistan .

The bank pigeon lives in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests at different altitudes.


The bank pigeon finds its food mainly on the ground. She also looks for agricultural land to forage. It mainly eats seeds and grains. Fruits also play a role. She especially likes to eat ripening mulberries .

The bank pigeon is one of the few pigeon species that are cave breeders. It breeds in tree hollows, but also in burrows, in steep slopes and erosion channels. After individual observations she also uses the burrows of the European roller . In northern Afghanistan, they reproduce between June and August. There is currently insufficient information about the breeding period and the duration of the nestling period.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Rösler, p. 83
  2. Rösler, p. 83
  3. Rösler, p. 83


  • Gerhard Rösler: The wild pigeons of the earth - free life, keeping and breeding , Verlag M. & H. Schaper, Alfeld-Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7944-0184-0

Web links

Commons : Columba eversmanni  - collection of images, videos and audio files