Ulla Haselstein

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Ulla Haselstein (born January 17, 1958 ) is a German literary scholar .


Ulla Haselstein studied English, German, philosophy and history from 1976 to 1983 at the Universities of Konstanz ( state examination 1982) and Bristol (UK) as well as at the Free University of Berlin . In July 1988 she worked with Wolfgang Iser at the University of Konstanz with a dissertation on the subject of deciphering hermeneutics. Studies on the concept of reading in the psychoanalytic theory of the unconscious "summa cum laude" for Dr. phil. did his doctorate and received the dissertation prize of the city of Konstanz in 1989. 1996 followed the habilitation at the Free University of Berlin with the habilitation thesis Poetics of the gift. Cultural contact in the literary text . Ulla Haselstein taught from 1996 to 2004 as a full professor for North American literary history at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In 2001 she was visiting professor at the English Department at the University of California, Irvine . In 2004 she accepted the position of C4 professor for the literature of North America at the John F. Kennedy Institute . She is the founding director and until 2017 was the spokesperson for the Graduate School of North American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin - funded since 2006 and for the second time since 2012 by the Excellence Initiative of the federal and state governments. In 2009 Ulla Haselstein held the Warburg Professorship of the Aby Warburg Foundation (Hamburg). In 2012 she was appointed a member of the Senate and Approval Committee for Collaborative Research Centers by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In 2014 the Volkswagen Foundation awarded her the “Opus magnum” grant for her research project “Gertrude Stein's literary portraits” for two years. The book was published by Konstanz University Press in autumn 2019.

Research priorities

  • "Contemporary Jewish Writing", International Research Group "Transnational America", funded by the Humboldt Foundation, 2007–2009.
  • "Coolness: Forms and Functions of Affect Control in the USA", funded by the interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence Languages ​​of Emotion , Freie Universität Berlin, 2009–2011.
  • "Gertrude Stein's Literary Portraiture".

Other focal points

  • Text and image
  • Literary portraits
  • Transculturality
  • Diasporic literature
  • Holocaust literature
  • avant-garde
  • Native American Literature
  • American literature of the 19th and 20th centuries

Scholarships, awards, fellowships

  • 2014: "Opus magnum" grant from the Volkswagen Foundation for the research project "Gertrude Stein's literary portraits"
  • 2011: DRS Award for Excellent Supervision
  • 2009: Warburg Research Professorship, Aby Warburg Foundation, Hamburg
  • 2008–2009: Research Associate, University of California, Santa Cruz, History of Consciousness Program
  • 2000: DFG publication funding
  • 1993–1995: USIA travel grant
  • 1993–1994: Fellow at the Center for Cultural Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • 1990: DFG publication funding
  • 1989: Dissertation Prize of the City of Constance
  • 1988: Graduate grant (GraFöG)




  • Add. with K. Milich: Reading the foreign characters special volume Amerikastudien 38.2 (1993).
  • Add. with Berndt Ostendorf and Peter Schneck: Popular Culture special volume Amerikastudien 46.3 (2001).
  • Add. with Berndt Ostendorf and Peter Schneck: Iconographies of Power: The Politics and Poetics of Visual Representation (Heidelberg: Winter, 2003).
  • Add. with Berndt Ostendorf: Cultural Transactions: 50 Years of American Studies in Germany (Heidelberg: Winter, 2005).
  • Add. with Thomas Claviez and Sieglinde Lemke: Aesthetic Transgressions (Heidelberg: Winter, 2006).
  • Add. with Klaus Benesch: The Power and Politics of the Aesthetic in American Culture (Heidelberg: Winter, 2007).
  • Add. with Andrew Gross and MaryAnn Snyder-Körber: The Pathos of Authenticity: American Literary Imaginations of the Real (Heidelberg: Winter, 2010).
  • Add. with Irmela Hijiya Kirschnereit, Catrin Gersdorf, and Elena Giannoulis: The Cultural Career of Coolness (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2013).
  • Allegory. DFG Symposium 2014 (Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 2016).
  • Add. with Frank Kelleter, Alexander Starre, Birte Wege: American Counter / Publics. ( Heidelberg: Winter, 2019).

Articles (selection)

  • "Gertrude Stein and Seriality." Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture: A Companion to Modern United States Fiction . Ed. David Seed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2010. 229-239.
  • "A New Kind of Realism: Flaubert and Stein." Comparative Literature 61.4 (2009). 388-399.
  • "Double Translation: James Welch, The Heartsong of Charging Elk." Transatlantic Voices: European Interpretations of Native American Literature. Ed. Elvira Pulitano. Lincoln: Nebraska University Press, 2007. 225-248.
  • "Consideration of representability: Jonathan Safran Foer's Holocaust novel Everything is Illuminated." Philosophy and literature. Eds. Eva Horn et al. Munich: Fink, 2006. 193–210.
  • "Gertrude Stein's Portraits of Picasso and Matisse." New Literary History 34.4 (2003). 723-743.
  • "Self-portraits in the convex mirror: Parmigianino and Ashbery." Manner-Manner-Mannerism . Eds. Erika Greber, Bettine Menke. Tübingen: Narr, 2003. 41–62.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Prize of the City of Konstanz for the promotion of young scientists at the University of Konstanz, award winners. Retrieved September 23, 2017 .
  2. Prof. Dr. Ulla Haselstein. Free University of Berlin, accessed on September 23, 2017 .
  3. Senate Committee for the Collaborative Research Centers. German Research Foundation DFG, September 20, 2017, accessed on September 23, 2017 .
  4. Approval Committee for Collaborative Research Centers. German Research Foundation DFG, September 20, 2017, accessed on September 23, 2017 .
  5. Prof. Dr. Ulla Haselstein receives "Opus magnum" grant from the Volkswagen Foundation. Freie Universität Berlin, July 15, 2014, accessed on September 23, 2017 .
  6. DRS Award for Excellent Supervision, award winners. Free University of Berlin, accessed on September 23, 2017 .