Independent quantity systems

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Independent set systems are considered in probability theory , a branch of mathematics . The independence of set systems is a generalization of the stochastic independence of events and is used to define the stochastic independence of random variables . Thus, independent set systems belong to the basic concepts of stochastics and are a building block for many requirements of important theorems of statistics and stochastics.


A probability space is given , i.e. a σ-algebra on the basic set and a probability measure . Furthermore, let an arbitrary index set and for each index a set system be given.

The family of set systems is now called independent if and only if for every finite subset and every possible choice of events with these events are stochastically independent , that is, if applies in each case



  • If and , then the set systems are independent if and only if the two events and are independent. It is , therefore, the cases and review. The case is trivial.
  1. Is , so is always , because the system of sets is one-element. So the statement is always true. The case follows analogously .
  2. Is , then again taking advantage of the unity of the set systems ( )
due to the independence of and .
  • If, more generally, a family of events and if the family of set systems is defined as one-element set systems by for all , then the family of set systems is independent if and only if the family is independent of events. This equivalence is also used in part to define independence from events.
  • A σ-algebra on a probability space is called a P-trivial σ-algebra if either or holds for all . P-trivial σ-algebras are independent of any system of sets. Because is and , so is for anything from another system of sets . The same applies if is. So are and independent.


  • If is a disjoint decomposition of (that is, it is for all and it is ) and if the family of systems of sets is independent, then the family of systems of sets is defined by
  • For finite things the following applies: If each of the set systems already contains the superset , then they are independent if and only if
for everyone . It is then sufficient to check the defining equation only for the entire index set. For the equation follows automatically if you bet forever .
  • If the set system for each is an average stable set system, then is independent if and only if the generated σ-algebras are independent.


Independent set systems are used to transfer independence to random variables. Be a probability space and two measuring rooms and two random variables of for or given. If the two initial σ-algebras generated by the random variables are independent set systems, then the random variables are called independent . This can also be generalized to families of random variables.

Independence from random variables and set systems

In the context of the conditional expected value , the independence of a random variable and a set system is sometimes also used . The random variable and the set system are said to be independent if the set system and the initial σ-algebra of the random variable are independent set systems in the above sense.


The independence of σ-algebras can be extended to the conditional independence by means of the conditional expectation value . It also exists for random variables.
