Independent people's newspaper

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The Independent People's Newspaper was the organ of the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany for East Saxony and Dresden from 1917 to 1922.

Shortly after the founding of the USPD in April 1917, the party's first new newspaper was founded in Saxony. After the end of the First World War , a party-owned cooperative printing company was opened in Dresden. From the end of 1919, the publishing house of the Groß-Dresden cooperative printing house produced the Independent People's Newspaper six times a week in two regional editions for Dresden and East Saxony. The responsible editor of the newspaper was the long-time chairman of the SPD district of Dresden and former editor of the social democratic Dresdner Volkszeitung (DVZ), Hermann Fleißner , in 1920 Hans Finsterbusch replaced him as the responsible editor.

The Independent People's Daily was the established, majority Socialist during the time of their appearance DVZ not displace from the position of the leading workers' newspaper in Dresden since the Dresdner organization of the USPD remained generally weak.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Finsterbusch, Hans Walter . In: Hermann Weber , Andreas Herbst (ed.): German communists. Biographical Handbook 1918 to 1945 . 2nd revised and greatly expanded edition. Karl Dietz Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-320-02130-6