Free legal advice

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In the case of free legal advice , the person seeking legal advice has the opportunity to receive initial free legal advice from a lawyer . The duration is usually limited to 15 to 30 minutes. This should give him the opportunity to clarify the question of whether he even needs a lawyer and what he can do for him.

The free legal advice does not replace comprehensive legal advice. Rather, law seekers can obtain an initial orientation on their legal question. You will find out which steps are necessary to solve your problem, the costs involved and how long the next steps are likely to take.

Offer in Switzerland

In Switzerland, free legal information is organized and offered by the following offices:

  • Swiss Bar Association : Most cantonal bar associations operate legal information centers. The members give brief legal advice there free of charge or partially for a small fee. The appointments usually take place without prior notice and at regular intervals.
  • Legal advice collective of lawyers
  • Some municipalities offer public consultation hours for their residents.

Legal information centers at courts or for the respective members of trade unions or associations such as B. Tenants or Home Owners Association .