Union of student organizations CH / FL

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The Union of Student Organizations of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein , (French Union des conseils d'étudiants CH / FL , Italian Unione comitati studenteschi CH / FL ), USO or USO-UCE-UCS for short, is the national umbrella organization of around 80 student organizations and Student councils of secondary schools in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

The USO is a member of the Organizing Bureau of European School Student Unions , the Swiss Working Group of Youth Associations , the Education Coalition NGO and the European Democratic Education Community .


The USO pursues the goals:

  • to represent the interests of the students and their associations vis-à-vis politics, administration, the media and the public;
  • promote student participation in teaching, school and educational policy;
  • to provide services to affiliates and encourage the formation of new student associations;
  • to enable a fruitful exchange between the students from all over Switzerland;
  • To establish and maintain contacts on an international level.


The USO sets out its fundamental positions in its mission statement. It basically calls for a strong participation of students in all educational issues, non-discriminatory and free access to education and moderate harmonization of the education systems in Switzerland.

The USO is currently working in particular on curriculum 21 , exam-free university access and student rights.


General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest body of the USO. It decides on the values ​​and norms of the organization, elects the board of directors, approves the annual accounts and budget and serves as an exchange platform for member organizations.


The board represents the association externally, implements the resolutions of the general assembly, organizes events for the members and elects the USO delegation in their umbrella organizations. The board consists of seven equal members who are elected for a period of one year. Board members can only be those who are pupils in a school at upper secondary level or who have not left one for more than three years.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.uso.ch/index.php?site=data&data_id=9