Universal Periodic Review

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The UN Human Rights Council or Human Rights Council of the United Nations has been practicing a review procedure since 2007, which all member countries should regularly submit to: the so-called Universal Periodic Review (UPR) . The basis for this review of the human rights situation in the participating countries are the Charter of the United Nations , the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , the human rights treaties ratified by the respective member state and, if applicable, international humanitarian law , which applies in armed conflicts. In the current third UPR cycle (2017-2021), the test procedure for Germany was moved to 2018.

The Federal Republic of Germany was reviewed in a similar manner in 2013 and 2009.

The Basic Law (GG) guarantees fundamental liberty, equality and inviolability rights to which the individual in Germany is entitled to the state , but also to society in general (Articles 1–17, 33, 101–104 GG). Most of these basic rights are also human rights, which means that not only German citizens can invoke them, but all people who live in Germany.

See also

Web links


  1. UPR Germany 2018. German Institute for Human Rights, accessed on December 27, 2018 .
  2. UPR Germany 2013. German Institute for Human Rights, accessed on December 27, 2018 .
  3. ^ UPR Germany 2009. German Institute for Human Rights, accessed on December 27, 2018 .
  4. Fundamental and human rights. Federal Agency for Civic Education, accessed on December 27, 2018 .