Bourges University

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The French University of Bourges was founded in 1463 by Louis the Wise . In the 16th century in particular, the academy had an outstanding law faculty . Various personalities have learned and taught here, including the most important lawyer of his time, Jacques Cujas , as a teacher , and Obertus Giphanius as a student . Today, the higher education institutions in Bourges are attached to the Orléans University as a study location.

On June 24, 1854, it was incorporated into the University of Paris .

See also


  • Noël Garnier: La nation allemande à l'Université de Bourges . In: Revue bourgignonne 18 (1908), pp. 5–67 ( digitized in the Internet Archive)
  • J.-Y. Ribault, "L'Ancienne université de Bourges", in: Académie d'Orléans, Guide de l'étudiant, année 1964-1965 , pp. 23-25.
  • Winfried Dotzauer: German students at the University of Bourges. Album et liber amicorum . Hain, Meisenheim 1971
