Usta screech owl

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Usta screech owl
Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Owls (Strigiformes)
Family : Real owls (Strigidae)
Genre : Screech owls ( megascops )
Type : Usta screech owl
Scientific name
Megascops usta
( Sclater , 1858)

The Usta screech owl ( Megascops usta ) is a species from the family of real owls. It occurs exclusively in South America.


With a body size of about 23 to 24 centimeters, the Usta screech owl is a medium-sized species within its genus. It is very similar to the Watson screech owl , but has a slightly reddish-brown plumage. The parting is almost black. The underside of the body shows noticeable dark vertical stripes. The feather ears are medium in size. There are two color morphs that differ in their underside of the body. The dark colored morph has a reddish-brown colored belly, while the lighter one is almost whitish on the belly. The eyes are dark yellow to brown.

In addition to the Watson screech owl, the Usta screech owl can be confused with the Choliba screech owl . However, this populates more forest edges and clearings, has yellow eyes and shorter feather ears. The Rio Napo screech owl is heavily spotted on the underside of the body and has very short feather ears.

distribution and habitat

The Usta screech owl is found in the lowlands of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. It also inhabits northern Bolivia. It is a resident bird that mainly uses primary rainforests as a habitat. In principle, it tends to be in the interior of the forest.

Way of life

The Usta screech owl is a nocturnal species of owl. In her behavior she resembles other screech owls. It only comes to the ground relatively rarely and can be observed in the forest predominantly at heights of over 10 meters. Their food spectrum consists mainly of insects and spiders. Presumably, however, it also hits small vertebrates occasionally. She uses tree hollows as a nesting opportunity. Otherwise nothing is known about their reproductive biology.

supporting documents

Single receipts

  1. König et al., P. 301
  2. König et al., P. 302
