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Thor tries to lift the Midgard Serpent - Lorenz Frølich , 1872

Utgardloki is a giant in Norse mythology . His name is a combination of the terms Utgard and Loki , from which seat and character are already revealed. He rules Utgard Castle and acts just as cunningly as Loki of the Aesir . The meeting of Utgardloki and Thor is described by Snorri in Gylfaginning as follows:

When Thor moved to Utgard with Loki, Thialfi and Röskwa , they first met Utgardloki in the form of the giant Skrymir . After arriving in its hall, Thor and his companions were challenged to competitions. Loki couldn't keep up with Logi in the eating contest. Thialfi was defeated by Hugi in the race . Thor tried in vain to empty a drinking horn, lost in the wrestling match against the nurse Elli and tried in vain to lift a cat.

It was not until the next day that Utgardloki revealed his dazzling work to the contrite Thor. Logi was the eating wild fire that not only consumed the food in the trough, but also all the bones and the trough itself. Hugi was the windy thought that Thialfi could not catch up with. Thor's drinking horn was connected to the sea at the other end, so it could not be emptied. Nurse Elli was the age that no one could bend, and the cat lying on the floor was nothing but the Midgard snake itself.

Although Thor could not cope with the tests placed on him, Utgardloki was shocked by its strength and revealed to him that he would in future provide his castle with deception and delusion so that Thor would never find it again. Thor, enraged at hearing his fooling, raised his hammer to slay Utgardloki. But both this castle and his castle suddenly disappeared before Thor's eyes and could not be found again.

Individual evidence

  1. Prose Edda: Gylfaginning, Chapters 45–47

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