Vəzir Orucov

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Vəzir Orucov (born December 26, 1956 in Tərtər , Azerbaijani SSR ; † March 22, 1993 in Ağdərə , Azerbaijan ) was a participant in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict who was posthumously named a "national hero".


Vəzir Orucov was born on December 26, 1956 in the village of Khoruzlu, Tərtər district. He graduated from middle school in Khoruzlu village and was admitted to Baku Technical School of Light Industry in 1974. He was called up for military service in 1975 and demobilized in 1977. Then continued his training. In 1984 he moved to the city of Belkovo in the Russian Arkhangelsk Oblast .

Karabakh War and participation in the fighting

When Orucov heard of the Khodjali massacre in 1992 , he returned to Azerbaijan and joined the Tərtər battalion . First he was a soldier, after a short time he was appointed deputy commander and was involved in the fighting for the cities of Tərtər and Ağdərə . Here, according to Alexander Nevzorov , he was distinguished by bravery.

Orucov was seriously injured on September 1, 1992 in the battle for the village of Childiran while attempting to combat Armenian tanks. He died on March 22, 1993 during the fighting for the height of Globus in Ağdərə district. He was buried in Martyrs Alley in Baku.


Orucov Vəzir Surkhay was awarded the title of National Hero of Azerbaijan on March 27, 1993 by Əbülfəz Elçib Präsidenteny, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan , according to Decree No. 495 .

Individual evidence

  1. Teymur Zahidoğlu: Gecikmiş vertolyot, qan içində Qosa çarpayı, Novruz Bayramına şəhid Payi . news.lent.az. Retrieved December 29, 2015.
  2. Невзоров: "Самый смелый человек, которого я когда-либо знал, был азербайджанцем"
  3. Milli qəhrəman Eldar Həsənov və Vəzir Orucovun doğum günüdür . salamnews.org. Retrieved December 29, 2015.
  4. Lazım Quliyev: Tərtərdə küçəyə Milli Qəhrəmanın adı verildi . Azərbaycan (qəzet). P. 7. Accessed December 29, 2015.