VET repository

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The VET Repository (VET stands for Vocational Education and Training) is a database operated by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn .


The aim of the VET Repository is to make as many texts as possible for vocational training accessible as open access . This means that all users have direct access to full texts of specialist scientific literature.


In addition to monographs and anthologies, the VET Repository also contains journal articles and contributions to anthologies. Evidence of online publications is linked to the respective full texts. The existing literature database for vocational education (LDBB) with 62,000 references and 8,000 links has been incorporated into the VET repository.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. VET Repository: BIBB's new specialist information service :. Retrieved November 24, 2019 .
  2. Bodo Rödel; Christian Woll: VET Repository as the central storage location for Open Access publications on vocational training: BIBB's new specialist information service goes online . Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Bonn 2019.
  3. Search. Retrieved November 8, 2019 .
  4. VET repository. Retrieved November 24, 2019 .
  5. ^ UB Mannheim: Details. Retrieved November 24, 2019 .