Vanguard TV3

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Vanguard TV3
Phase : E1 / Status : destroyed

Vanguard TV3 before the start
Type: Research satellite
Country: United StatesUnited States United States
Organization: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNASA NASA
COSPAR designation : 1957-F01
Mission dates
Start date: December 6, 1957, 16:44:34 UTC
Starting place: Cape Canaveral , LC-18A
Launcher: Vanguard TV-3
Mission duration: few seconds
End date: December 6, 1957, 16:44:35 UTC
Orbit data
Origin of coordinates: Earth (planned)
Rotation time : 134.2 min
Apogee : 3,969 km
Perigee : 654 km
Orbit inclination : 34.2 °
General spacecraft data
Takeoff mass: 1.36 kg
Dimensions: Metal ball 16.3 cm in diameter
Manufacturer: Naval Research Laboratory
Sputnik 2
Explorer 1
December 06, 1957 begin
December 06, 1957 Satellite is lost in the event of a false start

Vanguard TV3 was an American research satellite from the Vanguard series that was destroyed before it could reach its intended orbit. It was the US's first attempt to put a satellite into orbit. It weighed about 1.3 kg and was about the size of a pomegranate (significantly smaller than Sputnik 1 ). It should send radio signals and run on batteries and solar cells.

Course of the mission

The Vanguard rocket was launched on December 6, 1957 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on the Vanguard launch vehicle of the same name . Shortly after take off, the engine lost thrust. After about two seconds and a good meter of covered distance, the rocket fell back onto the launch pad and exploded.

Web links

  1. Vanguard (6.5in) at Gunter's Space Page (English).