Vanguard 1

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Vanguard 1
Phase : E2 / Status : in orbit, out of order

Artist's impression of Vanguard 1 in orbit
Type: Research satellite
Country: United StatesUnited States United States
Organization: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNASA NASA
COSPAR designation : 1958-002B
Mission dates
Start date: March 17, 1958, 12:15 UTC
Starting place: Cape Canaveral , LC-18A
Launcher: Vanguard TV-4
Mission duration: 2,200 days
End date: May 1964
(estimated re-entry: approx. 2198)
Orbit data
Origin of coordinates: earth
Rotation time : 132.7 min
Apogee : 3,840 km
Perigee : 657 km
Eccentricity : 0.1844061
Orbit inclination : 34.25 °
General spacecraft data
Takeoff mass: 1.47 kg
Dimensions: Diameter: 15.2 cm
Manufacturer: Naval Research Laboratory
Explorer 2
Explorer 3
March 17, 1958 begin
June 1958 Batteries empty
May 1964 Last signal
approx. 2200 Expected re-entry
Model Vanguards 1. The solar cells are clearly visible here.
The electronics of Vanguard 1
Sketch of the instruments
Launch of Vanguard 1

Vanguard 1 (also called Vanguard TV4 or Vanguard 6.5in-Sat 3 ) is an American research satellite from the early years of space travel. It is the fourth artificial satellite and the first spacecraft to use solar cells for power supply. The satellite was launched in the Vanguard project and was operated by NASA .


Vanguard 1 was built by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and is tiny compared to Sputnik 1 . It is identical to the two previous Vanguards. It weighs only 1.5 kg and is the size of a grapefruit. The power supply ran through batteries and solar cells. The satellite has six antennas, each of which protrudes to the side.


After the failed launch attempts by Vanguard TV3 and Vanguard TV3BU , the Naval Research Laboratory ventured another launch. This also succeeded. Vanguard 1 was launched on 17 March 1958 with the three-stage Vanguard - carrier rocket with the serial number TV4 (Test Vehicle 4) from the spaceport Cape Canaveral in Florida in a medium earth orbit (MEO). It was the first successful launch of a Vanguard rocket, and the satellite is the oldest human-made object in space.

Vanguard 1 was placed on an elliptical orbit with a lowest point of 650 km and a highest of 4,000 km, which was inclined at about 35 ° to the equator . Originally, with a stable orbit, a lifespan of around 2000 years was assumed. However, it turned out that the solar radiation pressure and the atmospheric resistance caused significant disturbances in the perigee height of the satellite during high solar activity , which leads to a significantly reduced service life. It is estimated that the lifespan of Vanguard 1 will only be around 240 years and that the satellite will enter the Earth's atmosphere around the year 2200. The battery-operated transmitter was exhausted and stopped transmitting in June 1958. The solar powered transmitter, however, worked until May 1964 when the last signals were received in Quito , Ecuador .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Railway data according to VANGUARD 1. N2YO, April 7, 2018, accessed on April 7, 2018 (English).