Vatican palimpsest

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The Vatican Palimpsest is an early 13th century Greek language manuscript written on a Church Slavonic text from the 10th or 11th century. It includes 135 parchment sheets , of which 99 described again had been.

The older text contained text sections ( pericopes ) from the Gospels of the New Testament for liturgical reading ( evangelist ) in Cyrillic script and was decorated. The design was similar to the Apostolar of Enina . It is possibly the oldest preserved text in Church Slavonic.

The later text also contained Gospel texts and belonged to a letter of 1232 from Patriarch Germanos II from Constantinople to Rome on questions of a union between the two churches.

The palimpsest was discovered in 1982 by the Bulgarian historian T. Krastanow in the Vatican Library in Rome, where it is under the signature Vat. Gr. 2502.

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