Violet wood

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Kingwood , also Königsholz Dalbergia cearensis called, is a type of wood from the genus of dalbergia ( Dalbergia ).

Origin and characteristics

In Germany, wood of the rosewood species Dalbergia cearensis is traded under the name violet wood or king wood . The wood is purple in color with black stripes. It comes from Brazil and occasionally from Mexico. The tree grows up to 15 m high and 40 cm in diameter. The wood is hard, heavy, not very elastic and easy to split. Despite its hardness, it can be worked well, turned cleanly and also knives. Planed surfaces are smooth and easy to glue and polish.

Technical specifications

Linguistic mix-ups

Around 1900 this was also the name given to the deep brown wood of the South Australian Acacia homalophylla (Victoria Myall), which smells of violet roots .

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