Assessment period

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The assessment period is a term from German and Austrian tax law . It is the period for which the tax is set.

Regulations in Germany

In § 2 para. 7 Income Tax Act stipulates that it is in the income tax is an annual tax. According to Section 25 (1) EStG , the assessment period is therefore the calendar year. The assessment base for income tax, namely the taxable income, must be determined for a calendar year.

The corporation is according to § 7 KStG an annual tax. According to Section 31 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 KStG , Section 25 Paragraph 1 EStG , the assessment period is accordingly also the calendar year.

In the case of trade tax , according to Section 7 (1) sentence 1 GewStG, the assessment period corresponds to the collection period . The survey period is the calendar year or the shorter period of tax liability in the calendar year ( § 14 GewStG ).

The assessment period for wealth tax not levied due to unconstitutionality is three years.

Similar terms

The Value Added Tax Act describes the period for which the tax bases are determined as the tax period . As a rule, it corresponds to the calendar year ( § 16 UStG ). In practical tax application, the term assessment period is also used for sales tax.

The financial year is the period in which farmers, foresters and traders determine their profit ( § 4a EStG ). According to Paragraph 2 of this provision, the profit for farmers and foresters is allocated to the assessment periods on a pro rata basis, and for traders to the assessment period in which the financial year ends.

Other states

Tax period or tax year are comparable terms used in Swiss tax law ( DBG Art. 209 ).

In Great Britain the tax year is different from the calendar year for historical reasons. In the income tax (income tax) it starts on 6 April each year and ends on 5 April the following year. In this context, it is sometimes referred to as the fiscal year . The UK Corporation Tax uses the term financial year, which begins on April 1st and ends on March 31st.

In Namibia the tax year is ( English tax year ) from March 1 of each year until the last day of February of the following year. Companies can set their own financial years (e.g. calendar years), but are bound to the tax year vis-à-vis the tax office.