Association of German Actor Agencies

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The Association of German Actor Agencies is a registered association and is an amalgamation of well-known German agencies that have taken on the mediation and representation of professional actors .

The association has its registered office in Munich and currently (February 2019) has a membership of seven actor agencies from the German film and television industry. It was founded in 1990 to represent interests and, according to its own information, is involved in film-political and labor law issues, maintains the professional profile of an actor's agent, fights for a fair actor placement and maintains well-networked contacts with casting directors , producers , directors , broadcasters and Offices.

In addition to its regular association meeting of member agents, the association also organizes its agency meeting. This takes place every year for the Berlinale in Berlin ( "Berlinale Aperitivo" ) and the Munich Film Festival held and serves the dialogue between the actors represented and invited squatters , producers, directors and editors of the industry .

The club is one of several drama agency associations in Germany. There is also the larger Association of Agencies for Film, Television and Theater and the Association of German Young Talent Agencies (VdNA).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. VDSA, Agencies
  2. BERLINALE-Aperitivo of the acting agencies , (accessed on August 22, 2012)
  3. cf. Overview from Casting-network , accessed on August 22, 2012