Association of Insurance Companies in Austria

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The Association of Insurance Companies Austria (VVO) is an interest group of private insurance companies operating in Austria .

The VVO was founded as an association in 1899. In insurance matters, he acts as a contact for political decision-makers, institutions and the public. The VVO also represents Austrian interests in EU and other international bodies. He is a member of the CEA and the DACHL Association (cooperation of German-speaking insurance associations).

His other areas of responsibility include:

  • Professional association of insurance companies in the Austrian Chamber of Commerce
  • Collective agreements for the insurance industry
  • Information and complaints office
  • Vehicle:
    • Foreigners Claims Office
    • Green card office
    • Vehicle registrations
    • Automotive engineering office
    • Road traffic casualty fund
  • Insurance statistics

The VVO performs the following tasks through linked organizations:

  • Information and dialogue forum for the Austrian insurance industry (Austrian Society for Insurance Expertise)
  • Insurance industry training (educational institute of the Austrian insurance industry)
  • Security services (Board of Trustees for Road Safety)


The main bodies of the Austrian Insurance Association are:

  • General meeting
  • Bureau
  • Presidential Committee

All board members exercise their function on a voluntary basis.


In 2010 the VVO had 142 members, 126 of whom are based in Austria. 111 member companies have their headquarters in Austria; 15 are branches of foreign insurance companies and 16 operate in Austria within the framework of the free movement of services from an EU country.

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