Association of archaeological institutions in Cologne and Bonn

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VarI is the abbreviation for the network of archaeological institutions in Cologne and Bonn. This includes numerous institutions such as museums and university institutes that are engaged in research into the material legacies of early cultures around the world .

VarI was founded in December 2008 with the aim of further intensifying the traditionally good cooperation between the archaeological institutions represented in the Cologne-Bonn area, giving new impulses through an interdisciplinary exchange and releasing synergies for research and teaching through increased structural networking . The chronological spectrum of activities extends from the Paleolithic to the late Middle Ages, with the regional focus on the archeology of the Rhineland and Europe, the cultures of Egypt and the Mediterranean, and the archeology of South and Central America as well as Central and Southeast Asia.

The Cologne / Bonn region is one of the largest and most traditional archaeological sites in Germany with thirteen institutes and workplaces at the universities of Cologne and Bonn as well as archaeological museums. The members of VarI are integrated into numerous regional, national and international collaborations and interdisciplinary networked, such as the Center for Ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean Area at the University of Cologne, the Center of Quaternary Science & Geoarchaeology (Cologne-Bonn-Aachen), the Cologne African Studies Center at the University of Cologne, the Cologne Center for eHumanities at the University of Cologne or the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences .

The association's speakers are currently (June 2013) the classical archaeologist Michael Heinzelmann (Cologne) and the Christian archaeologist Sabine Schrenk (Bonn).

Activities (selection)

The research association regularly conducts workshops, conferences, congresses and lectures and maintains its own homepage (German / English).

  • 2010: graves, cities, shrines. Archaeological research in Cologne and Bonn , colloquium October 23, 2010 in the Academic Art Museum Bonn
  • 2012: Workshop on Economic Archeology Towards an economic archeology: state of the art, questions, problems, perspectives
  • 2013: Colloquium: Worlds in Transition. Archaeological Perspectives July 20, 2013 in the Academic Art Museum Bonn


Web link