Doubling time

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The doubling time (also called doubling time or double value time) describes the period of time in which an exponentially growing quantity (for example the population of a country) doubles. It enables better comparability of the growth of different sizes compared to the comparison based on the absolute change in size. A smaller doubling time means faster growth, a larger doubling time means slower growth. The doubling time is related to the half-life . In microbiology it is also referred to as generation time .


The doubling time is calculated from the growth rate or the growth factor using the following equation :

Example: If the population of a country grows by 2% annually, the growth factor is . This results in a doubling time of . So the population doubles about every 35 years.

An approximate calculation from the growth rate (given in percent) is e.g. As with the 70-rule possible . Example: With an annual population growth of 2%, the doubling time is about years.

Individual evidence

  1. Doubling time - Retrieved April 4, 2020 .