Association of French teachers

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The purpose of the Association of French Teachers e. V. (VdF) is primarily concerned with maintaining and disseminating the French language and culture, with particular attention being paid to teaching the French language at German educational institutions. The members and the board of directors are involved in the development of French teaching and study as well as in teacher training , promote the exchange of teachers and university teachers between Germany and France and help to establish contacts between French teachers on an international level. For the purposes mentioned, the VdF is a member of the Fédération internationale des professeurs de français (FIPF) in Sèvres and works with institutions that pursue similar goals. At the national level, the VdF is a member of the General Association of Modern Foreign Languages ​​(GMF) . The French embassy is an important cooperation partner of the VdF. Your support enables many cultural events at state and federal level.

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