Composed student body (DHBW)

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The student body of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) is represented at a central level by the General Student Committee (AStA) and the Student Parliament (StuPa) . The AStA is the executive body and represents the constituted student body of the DHBW to the outside world, the StuPa forms the legislative body of the constituted student body of the DHBW and is therefore the highest decision-making body. In addition, a complaints and arbitration committee has been set up as a judiciary at the central level , which can be called in in disputes or the like. According to the State University Act (LHG), all enrolled students at a university form the constituent student body of this university. The constituted student body of the DHBW thus comprises around 34,000 students.


  • At a decentralized level, all students in a department of a study academy form what are known as departmental assemblies . These elect the area spokespersons and their deputies , as well as students from the individual departments who are represented as student representatives and their deputies in the local senate and local university council (cf. § 27c and § 27d LHG). The departmental assembly is formed in each field of study, separated into the fields of technology, economics and social affairs.
  • The elected area spokespersons and their deputies form an interdisciplinary student body (StuV) for each study academy of the DHBW . Each Stuv elects the student speaker or the student speaker and his or her deputy.
  • For representation at the central level, all students enrolled at the DHBW choose the StuPa, which is the legislative branch of the DHBW student body, by voting from a list.
  • The members of the StuPa elect five further members and their deputies who, together with the student representatives of the decentralized StuV, form the AStA. The AStA is the executive of the DHBW's student body.
  • In addition, the members of the StuPa elect the chairperson of the AStA as well as his or her two deputies.

As part of the constituted student body, all levels are legally competent corporations under public law and as such a member of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (cf. § 65 LHG). In addition, there are other legally guaranteed student representatives in university collegiate bodies such as the Senate (cf. § 19 LHG), in the supervisory board (cf. DHBW basic regulations), in the specialist commissions and the commission for quality assurance (cf. § 20a IV LHG), the local university council at the individual study academies (cf. Section 27b LHG) and in the local senate at the individual study academies (cf. Section 27c LHG).


  • While the StuV maintains contact between students and administration, professors, student unions and the public on a local level, this is supraregional, especially in topics related to the Presidium, the task of the AStA. The division into local and national topics also exists for the other tasks.
  • The aim of the AStA is constructive cooperation with the management of the DHBW, the university bodies and politics in order to further develop the DHBW in a goal-oriented manner.
  • The StuPa issues the statutes and regulations of the constituted student body of the DHBW and regulates the tasks and activities of the AStA by resolutions. In addition, the StuPa approves the budget of the DHBW student body and can change it.
  • Representation of student interests through mandates in university committees, such as the local university council and the senate, and participation in appointment committees.
  • The local StuV and the AStA are contact persons for all student topics, problems and concerns.
  • Organization and implementation of leisure activities and seminars for students.


  • The chair of the AStA is elected by the StuPa from the AStA. The chairmanship of the AStA consists of one chairman and two deputies. As the highest office of the AStA, the chair directs the AStA and represents it externally at meetings.
  • The Presidium of the StuPa is elected by the StuPa from within the StuPa. The Presidium of the StuPa is composed of a President and two members of the Presidium. As the highest office of the StuPa, the Presidium leads the meetings of the StuPa.
  • The student representatives are elected for each study academy by the area spokespersons and their deputies. There is a student representative and a deputy for each location. As the highest office of the student representative at the location, the student representative leads the meetings of the StuV and represents the student body at his location at regional meetings.

Chair of the AStA

Current public officials

  • Thomas Keuthen (Chairman)
  • Nina Müller (Deputy Chairman)

Former Chair

  • 2009–2010 Martin Heller
  • 2010–2011 Dominik Gaugler
  • 2011–2012 Jörg Willburger
  • 2012-2013 Manuel Nikolaou
  • 2013–2015 Alexandra Klein
  • 2015–2016 Alexander Schöpke
  • 2016–2017 Felix Vatter
  • 2017–2018 Maximilian Heck
  • 2018–2019 Georg Frey

Presidium of the StuPa

Current public officials

  • Ferdinand Pfändner (President)
  • Shirley Ogbonna (Member of the Presidium)
  • Martin Stöcker (Member of the Presidium)

Former Presidents

  • 2013–2014 Patrick Strittmatter
  • 2014–2015 Tabea Huslisti
  • 2015–2016 Steeven Schawe
  • 2016–2017 Oliver Scholz
  • 2017–2018 David Bohnert


  1. Official announcement of the DHBW No. 16/2014
  2. State University Act of the State of Baden-Württemberg in the version of April 1, 2014
  3. Official announcement of the DHBW No. 18/2014
  4. Chair of the General Student Committee | Composed student body DHBW. Accessed November 24, 2017 (German).

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