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The divinity (even divinity , of lat . Divinitas ) is in some cultures a special feature, the basic on an assumed difference between the gods and the human world is based. A general or particular divinity of animal species has been and is also assumed in some cultures.


In Greek and Roman antiquity, the opposition was based on the mortality of humans versus the immortality of the gods, on the other hand in Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the difference between creature and creator . The opposite of divine was then human . The elevation of a person to a god was called deification ( apotheosis ).

Historical examples

Historically, most, if possible, until the wildbooter cultures, which could animistic acceptance date back a divine certain animals, such as the bear worship .

An example of an apotheosis in Greek mythology is the deification of Heracles after his death in flames. In Roman history has been since August by the emperor worship the Amtsvergottung the emperor with their own temples and priests to hold office until the Constans usual (→ Divus ). In 1 Corinthians Paul describes the doctrine of the Trinity of Christianity, which according to Jesus Christ is simultaneously completely God and completely human, as "a nuisance for the Jews, a folly for the Greeks", so to speak as a complete paradigm shift .

Colloquial language

It is eloquent to be “divine”, high praise, e.g. B. for a singer - hence the term diva . A number of expressions such as “godly husband”, “god weather”, “ god food ” and the like can be explained by derisive use . a. m.