Veritatis Gaudium

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The Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium (abbreviation VG; German : Joy of Truth) was enacted on December 8, 2017 by Pope Francis and published on January 29, 2018 in order to establish the order “About the ecclesiastical universities and faculties”. The constitution takes up the provisions of the Apostolic Constitution Sapientia Christiana (abbreviation SC) issued by Pope John Paul II in 1979 , which has been expressly confirmed and further developed for the changes that have occurred since then (VG 2).

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Conferenza Stampa di presentazione della Costituzione Apostolica "Veritatis gaudium" by Papa Francesco, circa la nuova normatica sugli Istituti di studi ecclesiastici. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , January 29, 2018, accessed January 29, 2018 (Italian).