Traffic management

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As traffic routing the specified by the identification and delineation of course will transport elements on a traffic surface respectively. The two terms traffic management and traffic control do not have the same meaning. When traffic management is the totality of all measures to parent steering and influencing transport elements in a transport network .

An orderly and unambiguous traffic management is of great importance both on roads and paths as well as on maritime and inland waterways as well as at airfields in order to guarantee a safe and smooth flow of traffic. In road traffic, road users are guided both through structural measures (including borders and lines ) and through the use of traffic signs and traffic control systems. A special case is the mostly temporarily changed traffic routing in the area of workplaces . In shipping, navigation signs and at airports taxiway signs , floor markings and lighting guide the traffic.

Individual evidence

  1. Glossary of Traffic Management Switzerland , Federal Roads Office FEDRO, accessed on December 15, 2017.
  2. Duden - German Universal Dictionary . Bibliographisches Institut GmbH, 2016, ISBN 978-3-411-91171-4 .
  3. ^ Research Society for Roads and Transport: Definitions, Part: Transport Planning, Road Design and Road Operation . FGSV Verlag, 2000, page 78.