Packaging technologist

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The packaging technologist is a Swiss apprenticeship that emerged in 1995 from the professions “printer carton warehouse”, “cardboard warehouse” and “corrugated cardboard processor”. Packaging technologists deal with the production of packaging and cardboard boxes and with the production of samples .

After four years of professional training with the main focus on:

  • Making samples (developing individual packaging solutions)
  • Die-cutting (adjust the machines to the format and ensure the cut)
  • Gluing (break off all creases and apply the adhesive)

one obtains the federal certificate of proficiency and can use the protected professional title "trained packaging technologist". From 2008 the training will be extended to four years. In addition to today's cardboard and corrugated cardboard specializations, there are plans to specialize in packaging development or production.

Up until the start of training in 2008, the training was three years.

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