Treaty of Weingarten

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The Weingarten Treaty was signed in Weingarten ( Upper Swabia ) on April 17, 1525 during the Peasants' War . Contract partners were the military leader of the Swabian Federation , Georg Truchsess von Waldburg-Zeil , and the captains of the rebellious farmers of the sea heap (from the areas on the northern shore of Lake Constance ).

Both armies faced each other at Weingarten at Easter 1525, whereby the army of the Swabian Confederation was in an unfavorable position and at that time was still clearly inferior to the farmers in terms of troop strength. The military leader of the Swabian League recognized this and tried to avoid an escalation.

Georg Truchsess von Waldburg-Zeil presented the leaders of the rebels with a draft of a 15-point contract. The contract negotiations dragged on and the army of peasants began to disintegrate. The contract included:

  • The peasant heaps (armies) were disbanded and received free withdrawal.
  • The farmers had to pay taxes again and had to return the property they had conquered to the owners.
  • In future, independent arbitration tribunals should decide in disputes between farmers and feudal lords, with the Swabian Federation providing the arbitration tribunals.

The agreement, approved by both sides, was certified in Ravensburg on April 22, 1525 by nine seals, including the seals of the city of Meersburg, the city of Tettnang, the Weingarten monastery and the captain of the Altdorf square. The contract resulted in local improvements. The requirements of the 12 articles were not met. Nothing changed in the basic situation of the farmers. However, the contract gave the chieftain the necessary breathing space to increase his army personnel and then move against other peasant armies.


  • Bernt Engelmann : We subjects. A German anti-history book. Verlag Fischer, Frankfurt a. M. 1980.
  • Bernt Engelmann, Günter Wallraff : You up there - we down there . Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek near Hamburg 1980.
  • District archive Bodenseekreis (ed.): Leben am See 11-2, materials on regional history: The sea heap in the farmers' war, Volume 2 . Friedrichshafen 1981.
  • Elmar L. Kuhn : Peasants' War in Linzgau. In: Dillmann, Erika (HRSG) Bermatingen. Home book for the 1200th anniversary (pp. 81–104) . Bermatingen 1979.
  • Oberschulamt Tübingen (Ed.): Materials on regional studies and regional history. Booklet 4: The Peasants' War in southern Upper Swabia.
  • Michael Zuber: On the classification of Martin Luther's reprint of the Weingarten contract within his other peasant war writings , in: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings , 108th year 1990, pp. 81-88 ( digitized version )

Individual evidence

  1. Jos. Edmund Jörg: Germany in the revolutionary period from 1522 to 1526. Freiburg im Breisgau 1851
  2. The Peasants' War also reaches Meersburg In: Museumsverein Meersburg (Ed.): Meersburg traces. Verlag Robert Gessler, Friedrichshafen, 2007. ISBN 978-3-86136-124-4 , pp. 170-174.