Veterinary Council

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Veterinary Council was a title that could be bestowed on veterinarians in the GDR in recognition of their meritorious work in preventive health protection and in the prevention and control of animal diseases . The title Senior Veterinary Council could also be awarded. The titles Veterinärrat and Oberveterinärrat, as well as Privy Veterinary Council, were also used in the German Reich.

Award requirements

Veterinarians who have made an outstanding contribution to the intensification of animal production could be awarded the title of Veterinary Council. In particular, services in the development and implementation of scientific progress in the field of veterinary medicine and preventive health protection were required.

Senior veterinarians in specialist veterinary organs and institutions could be awarded the title of Veterinary Council. After at least ten years of exemplary management activity, the title of senior veterinarian was awarded. Excellent results in increasing the productivity and effectiveness of animal production could be demonstrated here.

Award process

The titles were awarded by the GDR Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food. The award took place on Republic Day , the GDR's national holiday, or on other national holidays. A certificate was given to the winner. The title could be used in connection with the name. However, the award could also be withdrawn.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Veterinary Council". In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon , Volume 20. Leipzig 1909, p. 129